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19:21 GMT         Day 63 of 90, Season 70    


All Results

Collio - Bagolino

Rider, Team
  England Arthur Stuyvesant, Bobet Neuf
  2. Netherlands Huub de Wortelaers, Swaenenburgh
  3. Sweden Billy Kämpe, Sockans Gubbar
  4. Switzerland Leonhard Malek, BCTeam
  5. Netherlands Vanderbilt Oosterbaan, Masters
  6. England Kerwin Prence, Bobet Neuf
  7. Canada Algernon Jamison, Team Metrostar
  8. Canada Harland Hennessy, Team Metrostar
  9. Spain Rogerios Ordiales, Swaenenburgh

Faaborg Grand Prix

Rider, Team
  Netherlands Tiede Baker, Capri Sonne
  2. Poland Miron Ukleja, Mochocice Cycling
  3. Spain Cesaro-chan Gama, Ussen
  4. Lebanon Riyad Mundhir, Samsung Cycling
  5. Netherlands Lieven Smeekes, GBV Vliegveld 5
  6. Greece Charis Markopoulos, Bergamo Team
  7. Netherlands Gerlach Schopuis, GBV Vliegveld 5
  8. Netherlands Pieter Kuyt, boom
  9. Netherlands Norbert Roetering, Bergamo Team

Gausdal - Øyer

Rider, Team
  Lithuania Saulius Kliejunas, FlyHighhh
  2. Portugal Alberto Gonçalves, Orada pro cycling
  3. Belgium Jason Haemers, Fragilehardass
  4. Belgium Yvan Dauwe, FlyHighhh
  5. Poland Augustyn Domagała, Alcisa Cycling
  6. Belgium Bertan Vermote, Fragilehardass
  7. Denmark Filip Riis, Fire Within
  8. Belgium Floris Galagan, saxo bank junior
  9. Spain Generoso Questi, flopsport vlaanderen


Rider, Team
  Spain Samuel Alemao, xurro
  2. Brazil Mário Pelentir, KRM express
  3. Andorra Xabat Feo, Waltrapers
  4. Spain Gabrio Almendros, xurro
  5. Italy Brando Zanini, Audax Italiano
  6. Czech Republic Thomas Honomichl, jensteam
  7. Andorra Abraham Berganza, Waltrapers
  8. Andorra Valentin Siculo, Waltrapers
  9. Italy Geovanny Alonca, Audax Italiano

Hetschwang GP

Rider, Team
  Portugal Manuel Rodrigues, Traveling Racing
  2. Poland Ewald Jaworski, Mdex
  3. Romania Sergiu Hagi, Enzo Racing TEAM
  4. Romania Nae Alexa, Enzo Racing TEAM
  5. Belgium Roger Lannoye, Scott cycling team
  6. Belgium Carel Gheysen, Scott cycling team
  7. Poland Emanuel Cieśla, Mdex
  8. Spain Jeronimo Chapado, NikeAir
  9. Spain Porfirio Rangel, NikeAir

Saint-Lions GP

Rider, Team
  Liechtenstein Gottfried Augustin, Wheels On The Ground
  2. Spain Santos Quehlas, NikeAir
  3. Liechtenstein Christoph Wolf, Wheels On The Ground
  4. Spain Feliciano Bueno, Eguaras
  5. France Frank Verhaeghe, Borderie
  6. Belgium Hanneken Aerts, jody cycling
  7. Belgium Jean-Pierre Vanheyfte, Quick Lotto
  8. Ireland Angus Knebel, More Mile Team CIE
  9. Gibraltar Inocente Meira, Delft