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02:57 GMT         Day 49 of 90, Season 70    

The Downhill Observer, S43 Issue 1
by Yuri, at 11/12-17 - 09:48 GMT

  Written by Simon de Montfor of

  This is the first issue of our fortnightly newspaper where we will summarize recent events related to downhilling, talk about downhill riders, races, tactics, history and much more.
  Let us begin with the OCM Awards Gala, which took place this Friday, day 13. Top riders and managers from previous season have been awarded for their performance. The Best Downhiller award was won by Eleonor Berka, his 2nd award, who managed to beat Brent Meijerigh (winner of 3 such awards). However the 34yo Czech rider didn’t show up at the ceremony to take his prize, because he was in South Africa racing against Brent Meijerigh in Eissh Downhill. The result of the race was somewhat different to the awards result – Brent wanted to show that he is the dominant downhiller these days, no matter what the Awards Committee think, and he won the race in great style, his 3rd win in a row in this event. Next riders to cross the line were Ismael Olanrewaju with his first downhill result and Dominic Haidegger, who struggled a bit with a mechanical issue in the final meters. Eleonor Berka finished 5th, but he was very happy when he learned at the finish line that

he won the award for previous season.
  “I am very happy, cause I had a nice season and I am aware that it was one of my last seasons where I could perform at the highest level. Next few seasons will belong to Brent, he is now the strongest of us all and he just confirmed it today with a win. Hats off!”
  Looking at other races in lower divisions, Abtenau – Salzburg in div 4 was won by Yanik Arda, which didn’t come as a surprise at all. Yanik, the famous downhiller from Team Oasis, is now on a loan at Tashkent Browncoats and div 4 riders are hardly a match to him, so we expect quite a few wins from him this season.
  In Italy cyclists were racing from Ceriana to Sanremo and the winner of this race was Drake Garcia from lastplace1414. Drake is a promising rider who helped his team to move up across few divisions during last two seasons. This was a second downhill win in his career and surely not the last one.
  We will be ending our column with a list of the most successful downhillers, which towards the end of the season will help to identify the nominees for the best Dh award for S43. So here is the list as of day 15 and thanks for reading!

* * * * * * * * * * *
  Best Downhillers in S43 (in no particular order):
  * * * * * * * * * * *
   Brent Meijerigh – 1 win (div1)
   Yanik Arda – 1 win (div4)
   Drake Garcia – 1 win (div4)


Ello Ello at 12:05 11/12-2017

AnnoDomini at 12:34 11/12-2017
  If any other manager wishes to copy the idea and start publishing some periodic articles dedicated to other specialities (climbing, sprinting ect) feel free to do it! No rights reserved :-)

Schiavi di Don at 13:01 11/12-2017
  May this be the first of many specialist articles!

Holwerda Cycling at 16:49 11/12-2017
  Very nice!

Team WonderDee at 17:15 11/12-2017

Holwerda Cycling at 00:43 12/12-2017
  I think we need something for the allround specialist. There isn't even an award for those riders.
  I will look into it. All I can say is that Hernan Brizeno seems to be on his way to be one of the best this season.

Holwerda Cycling at 12:48 12/12-2017
  O wait, what about FR specialist...

Jubalon ProCycling at 15:15 12/12-2017
  Cool! Thanks for the kind words regarding Brent :)

AnnoDomini at 17:29 12/12-2017
  Frank, isnt an allrounder just a TT-centered climber? :-) If you think it is not, then please write an article about this cause i guess most people would think this way...

Holwerda Cycling at 19:25 12/12-2017
  That is not what I am thinking about. I'm thinking about races like where the stats of cl,dh,hl,fr,sp,tq are all at least 3

Team Chili at 08:21 13/12-2017
  Nice work Simon