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04:02 GMT         Day 49 of 90, Season 70    

Germany Tour - a preview
by Finz, at 31/5-13 - 00:24 GMT

  Written by Don Hamstre of don hamstre team
  Almost every sport has its own big events, the big names. Football has the Champions league, Formula One the Monaco Grand Prix, rugby, the Six Nations, golf the Ryder Cup and so on.
  We have Germany Tour. You simply can not be a legendary team without having participated here. The teams that can become legends this tour, have answered some questions about the past, present and future.
  Captain: Addison Tungate, TF
  Best GT winner so far: Jakob Rachlin
  Surprise tip of this season: Tungate
  'We want victory in all three classifications. Only the weather and bad luck can stop us from doing that!' Big words, but Wojciu has the right to talk like that. He has already won this tour before, and has the team to win it again. He also said the big words in a very smart way. Because who could say it wasn't bad luck it turns out Tungate will not win?
   Asymm Project
  Captain: Edward Delicano, No TF
  Best GT winner so far: Yegor Astapkovich, a true inspiration for the Asian peloton.
  Surprise tip: Delicano
  'We plan to get three top nine places in stages, mainly in the hill ones, and also a top nine in GC. Our biggest rival will be Tungate. He is a rider similar to Delicano in the hill stages, plus he'll have top form. I think I won't beat him.'
  Realistic talk, but I think Holger might underestimate his chances a bit (although he does tip him as the surprise of this tour). Because Delicano is a very special rider, who could surprise. Of course he won't get a podium in the GC without TF, but a podium in a stage must be within the possibilities.
  Captain: Pétur Snælaugursson , TF
  Best GT winner: Vernon Kings (edition 10) He completely demolished the competition, 3 minutes between him and nr2.
  Surprise tip: A TT'er (or more) will get top-9 in the GC
  'We want a GC win, nothing more, nothing less. We are most concerned about the TT's and the large amount of TTers in the race.' Noppes is probably right about the TT's. Although Petur is one of the best TT'ers in the tour riders pack, TT's are most of the time based on pure luck. Let's hope he will have the good luck, because I'm still supporting Faeroe cycling! Go Peturrrr!
   Die Tour Phantome
  Captain: Falur Sigfinnursson, TF
  Best GT winner: Elias Marquez, three in a row is just awesome.
  Surprise tip: Joppe Marant
  'We want a top nine in the GC, with good old Falur, Our list of rivals is unfortunately enough quite long. But guys that definitely have the skills and support to reach top ten, would be Redman, Marant, Tungate, Nabarro, Eskildsen, Ryle, Snaelaugursson and Delicano.'
  Another one of my favourite riders, Falur. He is old, but can he still perform? He has the support to do it, but will he have the luck?
   Nairobi City Cycling Club
  Captain: Hal Terrel, no TF
  Best GT winner: The legend Äme Anderberg.
  Surprise tip: Joppe Marant
  ' We want to win the prologue and the TT stage and some top nine finishes for Hal Terrell on the flat stages. It's always difficult to predict but TT riders and sprinters in TF are always hard to beat'
  The cannibalistic TT'ers from Denmark are once again looking for a big haul of prizes in the TT's. Second, third, and fourth place in the prologue last season, will they win it this time? You never know it in Time Trials, so I won't predict anything. But it would be very strange if the team will leave Germany without a few podiums.
   Hommerts Cycling Team
  Captains: Tadaki Ko and Conrado Horta, the second in TF
  Best GT winner: Adam Hyder, magical rider!
  Surprise tip: Joppe Marant
  'We would like to reach the top three in the GC with some luck and SC,. We want a stage win at least. For SC ,Woltelboer will be our biggest rival. GC, a lot of guys will be better then mine. But Rimmer is Horta's example in winning the GC, a high FR. So hope I’m lucky this time.'
  Two captains, that leaves (for the mathematicians amongst us) only four team mates. Will that spoil the chances of both riders? Or will he get a dazzling double podium with two different riders?
  Captains: Platon Bergasa, Xever Teodro
  'I'm trying to participate in these tours with a compensate team and a TTer with some guarantees, but watching the level of the rest of the teams I suppose that my options are reduced to a decent result at the TT-Races and maybe a top20 with my captain in the general classification.'
  Their climber is certainly not good enough in this field, but the TT'er should give them a couple of top nine places at least. And the experience his riders gain is also very useful. I hope the team will enjoy their stay in Germany!
  Captain: None really, explanation below
  Best GT Winner: Dussel as he achieved most in his career but he does not fit in the profile of GT winner at all. I think I choose Stubbe over Rachlin as he is Dutch.
  'I have only signed up because its expected of me. We do not have any goals in this tour'
  No further comments needed I think.
   Quick Step Minded
  Captain: Jamal White, TF
  Best GT Winner: Elias Marquez or Adam Hyder :p
  Surprise tip: Hal Terrel
  'We would like a top five in every flat stage. Ko, Hitchens, Lesniak and Wortelboer are guys which who we will compete.' I have never seen White's talent, to be honest. But that will just be my stupidity. So maybe he will get the results QSM wants. He also has the only German rider of the tour in his lead out train, so maybe the Germans will favour him and give him valuable support too. But I still don't think he will perform very well.
   Team Crazy Downhillers
  Captain: Joppe Marant, TF
  Best GT Winner: Elias Márquez - three wins, in a row even, which no one else has achieved, must make him the one. Anderberg on close second.
  Surprise tip: A rider from Delion (and yes, he knows Delion isn't in)
  'Winning YC, and also GC. Those will be the goals we want to reach. I can probably mention 7-10 names that will make it a big problem, but I think that Marcos Nabarro from Greenride will be a man to look out for.' Many times I have said someone has amazing support. But Marant really has. His TM is Chris freaking Bauwens. A worthy captain who would have

a chance of winning himself. If Marant doesn't perform here, it's certainly not the fault of his support.
   Hard Gaat Ie
  Captain: Marius Lassen, no TF
  Best GT Winner: Don't know, I haven't been following (all) tours for that long. But I was impressed by the young Maruyama Dai's victory in last season's Vuelta. Though for sure he can't be called the best GT winner ever
  Surprise Tip: Joppe Marant
  'I might be giving a free role/co-captainship to Xander in order to have him take a shot at the YC podium (though 2 other contenders are clearly better), but I'll decide on my strategy right after the Prologue. Goals:Top 3 in the TT stages for Genovese and/or Gjerde. Some good stages (top nine) with Lassen. Have fun. No mistake possible about our biggest rival: that's going to be Mikaitas.'
  Two TT'ers and a GC-contender. This must be a perfect team for winning a lot. But in Germany Tour, your riders have to be the best to win. Are these riders the bes? Probably not. Still good enough for a podium in a couple of stages.
   Team Tirilla
  Captain: Nico Woltelboer, TF
  Best GT Winner: Elias Marquez. He's not the best rider that have won the tour, but he totally dominated the tour when I participated the first time and he's still the only one to have won three consecutive times
  Surprise tip: Baltazar Lesniak
  'My goal is to win the SC with Nico Woltelboer. Our most dangerous opponents are Gil Correa, Tadaki Ko, Brian Hitchens, and Baltazar Lesniak.'
  Woltelboer, former winner of the OCM Rankings, wants to win a sprint jersey. He is absolutely able to do it, but unfortunately for him he has a lot of equally formidable opponents. It will be a fierce battle for sure, but will Nico be the winner?
  Captain: Marcos Nabarro, TF
  Best GT Winner: Elton Lonergan
  Surprise tip: Marcos Nabarro
  'Our goals are a top three in GC and in YC. Kremer, NECFTW, Gradient Levellers will be the managers to beat for us'
  Greenride is back in the top after a drop down and rebuild. Marcos Nabarro is their new, young, talented captain. He has got the abilities to perform well, but does he have enough experience to take on the big boys?
   Red Star
  Captain: Wayne Baboeuf, no TF
  Best GT Winner: They way Ame Amerberg road away on the climbs in the old days was an inspiration to all who loves cycling.
  Surprise tip: Joppe Marant
  'Wayne ended as eleventh, tenth and ninth in his last three GT's. He has yet to start the GT as a captain so we surely hope for eight or better. Being mainly a hiller who can climb and drill it on the flat, we hope for a top3 on stage four, five and nine. Our main competitor should be Redman, he is a good hiller with great climbing skills.'
  Baboeuf certainly has a good line in his results. In eight seasons he will surely be first! But seriously, from someone who can become nineth not being a captain, you can at least expect a top nine when he actually is captain.
   Jonas Pro Cycling
  Captain: Brian Hitchens, no TF
  Best GT Winner: I wasn't around when Amë and Elias Márquez won. Those I hear are great riders, but from my time I think Jakob Rachlin is the most complete tour rider.
  Surprise tip: Good old Falur in TF taking some stage wins and ending high in GC.
  'This is my third GT. Last season I came runner up for SC one point short. I hope third time is the lucky time. Hitchens comes straight from winning the sprinting stage in Essex and SC in Vuelta Los Castillos. He is aiming to be the sprint king in his third tour this season. There are so many contenders for SC this season. Very strong field. Woltelboer is in TF and has a strong team. Tadaki Ko is a one man army. Baltazar Lesniak has one of the most successful tour managers pulling the strings. Last years winner Gil must also be mentioned, although I personally think he over-performed last GT. Sorry Charles :)'
  Hitchens came so close last season, every neutral fan should cheer for him this time. Will he get his revenge?
   Matrix team
  Captain: Nicholas Ryle, no TF
  Best GT Winner: To me Marquez with his three victories in a row looks like the best Germany Rider ever. However I wasn't there at the time, so hard to really know. It's just a feeling.
  Surprise tip: Hal Terell
  'I aim for a top nine in GC at least, a podium would sound like a victory to me. And maybe a stage win? But it will be very hard with Redman, Tungate and Nabarro, and all the climbing captains with TF of course.'
  The defending champion will not defend his title at all cost. He already had his peak during Vuelta, where he got second. It would be a really amazing performance if he could get a podium spot in both Vuelta and GT. Has that been done before, I hear you wonder. I don't think so. But will it happen? I don't think so either.
  Captain: Gil Correa, no TF
  Correa is also a defending champion. He would like to defend his sprint jersey, but he doesn't have a magical triangle either. That does make it a very tough job, considering many people found it already surprising he won last season. Or does Correa have the mental strength to overcome the problems and win against the odds?
   Gradient Levellers
  Captain: Farley Redman, TF
  Best GT Winner: Elias Marquez. Winning Germany is hard enough, but 3 times in a row is special. I don't know if that would be possible now.
  'For the first time, I will come into GT with the goal of winning. Redman has shown he can win a GT and now is his time to to see if he can win the biggest race there is. Marant (Team Crazy Downhillers) is the rider that scares me the most. I think a lot of eyes will be on Tungate as Nabarro as well. It's good to see some new tour riders.'
  Hey, a 56AV rider. He must be the captain, a real contender for sure. But wait a minute! There is another one! He has an unbelievable team and therefore is Redman my favourite to win.
   WV de Dommel
  Captain: Björn Esklidsen, TF
  Eskildsen is another contender, but as the field is getting stronger and stronger every season, will he be able to keep up with this higher level? His good support, with Nico-Jan Stubbe being the big name, is certainly going to do its best to help him getting a decent result. But I think Eskildsen just isn't good enough for this field.
  Their team looks like they are not in Germany to win anything. Maybe a Break Away?

  Winning GC
   1. Farley Redman: 4 votes
   2. Joppe Marant: 3 votes
   3. Addison Tungate
   Marcos Nabarro
   Pétur Snælaugursson: 2 votes
   4. Björn Esklidsen: 1 vote
   2nd or 3rd GC
   1. Addison Tungate
   Joppe Marant: 5 votes
   2. Marcos Nabarro: 4 votes
   3. Pétur Snælaugursson
   Björn Esklidsen: 3 votes
   4. Farley Redman
   Falur Sigfinnursson: 2 votes
   5. 4 riders: 1 vote
   1. Nico Woltelboer
   Tadaki Ko: 4 votes
   2. Brian Hitchens: 3 votes
   3. Marcos Nabarro: 2 votes
   4. Addison Tungate: 1 vote
   1. Joppe Marant: 6 votes
   2. Marcos Nabarro
   Addison Tungate: 3 votes
   3. Björn Eskildsen: 2 votes


ScotterPop at 00:27 31/5-2013

ScotterPop at 00:40 31/5-2013
  white white white white
  white white white white
  white white white white

Quick step minded at 00:45 31/5-2013
  my cup of care: \_/

Luveaucek at 00:55 31/5-2013
  Sorry Don, busy summertime discin...
  I'm practicing for next season, maybe get a lucky top 9 somewhere...

Drapeau Noir at 01:57 31/5-2013
  Thanks HCT and QSM for mentioning Hyder, a rider I maxed at 31 y.o, just in time for winning the GT at 32!

NECFTW at 09:56 31/5-2013
  Free kinderpindakaas for everyone if Peturrr wins!

NightmareChaos at 12:10 31/5-2013
  edit: Gradient responded.

Die Tour Phantome at 12:54 31/5-2013
  Nice preview. Falur was certainly not at a loss of words in his pre GT press conference. See our press release...

Matrix team at 20:28 31/5-2013
  Ryle was 3rd in vueltaand 1st in germany last season. So yes it has been done before Don ;)

Nairobi City Cycling Club at 23:13 31/5-2013
  Nice article & a great start for NCCC :)

Matrix team at 10:40 1/6-2013
  Ryle was 3rd in vueltaand 1st in germany last season. So yes it has been done before Don ;)

don hamstre team at 10:48 1/6-2013
  just like your double post =D
  But this does mean he will do it again I think.

Matrix team at 01:34 2/6-2013
  probably not ;)
  But if he does i may sell him.