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07:14 GMT         Day 89 of 90, Season 70    

Interviews before Germany - The 2nd Rows
by Yuri, at 28/11-12 - 22:33 GMT

  Last but not least, we have interviewed the 2nd rows. No one give much for them, but… shouldn’t they get more attention? Well read and decide! Much will happen in Germany, and this guys will for sure become the center of attention sometime.
  Michel Aelemans, NECFTW
   How do your legs feel like ?
   After intensive training this season I feel now is the time to really test myself. I have done all I can and I'm pretty sure I'm in the best form I have ever had.
   No one expects anything from you in the GC, but still you consider yourself as a guy to take into consideration. How do you think you can win?

   My inspiration comes from my former teammate Olexandr Nagy. (such a shame he isn't competing this year). He finished 3rd last year and I think I can match that. I think I'm one of the best Time Trialers in the field and I should be able to win some time in them on the other GC contenders.
   Aren't you afraid of the climbs?

   What's there to be afraid off?
   What will happen in the climbs?

   There are a lot of great climbers in this race and it will be very hard to keep up with them. But I have some of the most experienced and best climbers in the field to help me out. Those guys have seen it all and I'm sure they will have some tricks up their sleaves...
   Zack Davie was expected to be the captain and give better chances for the team to win. Is he angry with you?

   Zack is the person everybody in NECFTW has huge respect for. He's the Man. But he made it clear early in the season he wanted to go for Criterium la Provence, the one climb classic he never won. Unfortunately he got injured, I'm gutted for the guy.
  Ejnar Nordby, omega pharma lotto
  How do your legs feel like ?
   They feel ok. I will start with a good condition at the biggest tour of the season.
   I'm not trying to be rude, but you use to underperform everywhere and many managers started to get angry with you. What's different in you now?

   My results in the past weren't that good indeed, but now I can count on a very good team. I get full support in this tour, even Ilic will ride for me, however it is his home tour. It gives me a boost. I've also become more mature, which you can expect at the age of 30. Now I can count on the experience, which I lacked in the past.
   Noone expect anything from you in the GC. What's your goal?

   I'm not aiming for a good GC, I'm not the best climber and certainly not the best

time trailer, so I don't make a chance against Hyder, Rachlin, Eskildsen... I've come to this tour to get some top 9 stages in the hilly sprint races. My biggest goal is Leipzig-Potsdam. That stage suits me perfectly.
   Will this be your last chance to lead the team in Germany?

   If it depends on me, I would say it isn't, but I think the team won't be ranked high enough next year to be able to participate at this tour.
   Where will you attack?

   As I hope to win a stage with many hills, I will attack at the steepest part of the final hill. In the stage from Leipzig to Potsdam, there is still 5km to ride after the top, so I will try to get someone with me, because 5km alone against a whole bunch, will be difficult. As I'm the fastest hiller, I make a good chance to take the victory.
   Who will win the SC?

   I hope I will ...(a big smile on his face). No, serieus now. I think Dussel will take it again. He will have a very hard job to do it, because Narramore and Ugolnikov are very strong too, but Dussel has a lot more experience. That will count in his advantage.
   Is your team focused on you or will they get a chance for them?

   Yes they are, except for one stage, in Cologne - Frankfurt am Main, Ilic will have a free role, because that stage suits him more than me.
  Isac Tingmann, Nairobi City Cycling Club
  How do your legs feel like ?
   They are getting better after I rested earlier this season.. I'm getting closer to topform but I'm aiming for the WC ITT titel so GT is not my first priority.
   Are you just aiming for the TTs or also the GC?

   The TT stages.. Dont think I'll go for a top 9 like last season.
   Considering your age do you think you will have many more chances to race here?

   Considering my age? what do you mean by that? I'm only 29!
   Who is the best for the YC?

   I have no idea and really no interest in that competition.
   Can you tell us anything about your team plans? We see some changes

   We're going for the TT stages and the team might support me on the other stages if I do well. If not there's always room for break aways.
  Chaleunsouk Souvanhno, Equipo Easy On
  How do your legs feel like ?

   Very good, I took a good rest after winning the Classic Grasse-Toulon - the first classic win for EEO, by the way.
   You're not one of

the Top favourites for the SC win, but still many say you will surprise. Where will you have the advantage?
   I can sprint very fast, but I can also get across the hills quite well. This may be important in Germany. I also have a strong team dedicated to help me. However, I am not aiming for the SC. A top 9 here and there will do.
   Your team missed Germany many times. Does Eli still knows how to ride this Tour?

   I should think so. He won his first white jersey with EEO in Season 10. however, he is much more relaxed these days, but he is still knowledgeable.
   Considering your age, are you starting to think you will finish your carrer inside EEO?

   I am in the best cycling age. I have not heard of any plans to sell me. We are mainly a climbing teams these days, but Eli is still a sprinter in his heart. The bigger risk is that my manager closes down EEO one day.
   Is Everardo Bueno starting to take your captain position inside the team?

   He is a very good rider, but has different qualities. We help each other where required.
   Who will win the GC?

   Honestly, I have no idea. The entire team is totally ignorant as to what is going on in Div 1, who is participating and which are the current stars in OCM. We mainly want to enjoy cycling and have a good time.
  Ivan Alterman, Red Star
   How do your legs feel like ?

   Like titanium! I have certainly hit form, and now just need to show i am worthy of my team mates support.
   Rytis Kondrotas was expected to be the captain to win the SC. Do you think you will have similar chances to win money and glory?

   Rytis had been injured during the last 2 or 3 GT tour and his superstitious mother convinced him not to participate this year. Babouf and Swin was also alternatives, but this year i got a chance! Looking at the course, it does not really fit me, so we will be happy with 1 or 2 podium spaces and maybe an respectable GC.
   Do you think you have a chance in the GC?
I hope for a top9.
   What's your goal?
Results, bringing in money and point for my beloved club.
   Will Adam Hyder and Jan-Joost Dussel lose their thrones?

   Yeah. It is going to be Noura for the GC and maybe Narramore for the SC.
  Waiting from the answer Samy Jourdan.
   Written by Chief Editor Yuri from Yuri SuperTeam to OCMagazine


ScotterPop at 01:39 29/11-2012
  nice series of articles, Yuri...I'm enjoying them

Team Crazy Downhillers at 14:35 29/11-2012
  Same here Scott, they are indeed nice reading! :)

NightmareChaos at 08:35 30/11-2012
  Good series

Nairobi City Cycling Club at 23:11 30/11-2012
  Tingmann is a bit cranky, he's always like that before a long tour.

Kremer at 00:29 1/12-2012
  Jourdain will never answer! :P