Online: 32
07:35 GMT         Day 3 of 90, Season 71    

Denis Diè

Rider Profile
Name: Denis Diè
Nation: Benin Benin
Team: ProgressTeam

Age: 21 years
Birthday: Day 74

Team Spirit: 85%
Experience: Level 1

ProgressTeam since 22/09-2024
Races on team: 7
Total races: 7

OCM Tour Rank: 4262 nd
OCM Tour Points: 0

Benin Tour Rank: 1 st

Top form ready

Average Skill: 29

Release value: 33.397
CL: None (38)
DH: None (28)
HL: None (25)
SP: None (26)
FR: None (33)
CB: None (26)
TT: None (25)
TQ: None (28)

Total Results of Carreer

Wins: 0

Second: 0

Third: 0

Total: 0

This rider has participated in a total of 7 races in his career.

Results of Season 71

Wins: 0

Second: 0

Third: 0

Total: 0

This rider didn't get any results this season.
View all results

Results of Season 70

Wins: 0

Second: 0

Third: 0

Total: 0

This rider didn't get any results this season.
View all results
  Rank at season end:

4280 th