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01:31 GMT         Day 64 of 90, Season 70    

Let me introduce you: Justin Pothuizen.

Written by CTBF at 09:43 22/9-2024

  I am named after Justin Kluivert. My father is a big Ajax fan and my mother had a cruch on Justin Kluivert. Despite the current results of Ajax, my father is still ok. And as for my mother, there is still a picture of Justin Kluivert hanging in the toilet at my parents' house
  There are several stories about my surname, but the most likely is the story I heard from my great-grandfather. Pothuizen is a combination of 'potdomme' (Dutch cursing) and 'verhuizen' (Dutch for moving). During the Napoleonic occupation, people had to choose a surname. My great-great-great-great-great-grandfather is said to have said: 'potdomme, I'm completely done with this little guy (Napoleon), let's move'. But my great-great-great-great-grandmother didn't want to. There was some talk that the surname would first become Potdommeverhuizen, but it has changed to Pothuizen.


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Let me introduce you: Justin Pothuizen.

  I am named after Justin Kluivert. My father is a big Ajax fan and my mother had a cruch on Justin Kluivert. Despite the current results of Ajax, my father is st...


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CTBF at 15:30 22/9-2024

Holwerda Cycling at 13:48 22/9-2024
  Hehe, surname makes sense :)

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