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02:41 GMT         Day 61 of 90, Season 70    

Success in Samarkand

Written by MerschFlyers at 14:04 18/9-2024

  Finally Ernst pulled off a win in Samarkand. Ernst trained as a sprinter with some CB skill. Not enough for the big cobble events, but great for a race where the winner needs come out of the cobble sections in good position for a big sprint, for a race just like Samarkand. The previous seasons were frustrating... after 2nd then 16th, 5th and finally the win. That crosses off one more bucket list goal!


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Success in Samarkand

  Finally Ernst pulled off a win in Samarkand. Ernst trained as a sprinter with some CB skill. Not enough for the big cobble events, but great for a race where ...


Yuri top 10 alone

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Noa on podium at home

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Noa Comes Good

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Plan B(ron) turns into Plan A

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Tough but great day for MerschFlyers

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Mixed Feelings on Jawlat Stage 2

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Flyers apologise for Sacha's misunderstanding

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