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02:38 GMT         Day 61 of 90, Season 70    

A welcome (what?)

Written by Hasee at 16:17 2/9-2024

  *Extract from a press conference, Benjamin Paredes sitting beside Xabat Pinelo*
  Xabat Pinelo: It's our pleasure to announce that a great Tt'er from Uruguay has joined Hasee, we are so happy to have him, he has some great results so far like...
  *Hugo Noil enters the stage*
  Hugo: oh man! sorry i'm late, i hope this c*nt didn't bore you.
  Xabat: Please don't call me that.
  Hugo: What? yeah, whatever... so i would like to welcome to our team, my great friend from Uruguay, he is here to shake things and give his best. Please welcome Valentin Da Gama our new bus driver. wooo! *Hugo starts clapping*
  Benjamin Paredes: Wait... what??
  Xabat: Hugo... What?
  Hugo: *turns to Xabat* What?
  *Valentin enters the stage waving his hand, everybody has puzzled faces and no one is clapping, so he stops, scratches his head*
  Valentin:.. erm.. What?


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A welcome (what?)

  *Extract from a press conference, Benjamin Paredes sitting beside Xabat Pinelo* Xabat Pinelo: It's our pleasure to announce that a great Tt'er from Uruguay ...


New sponsor.

  Hasee is thrilled to announce a new sponsor: Don Hamstre Pets. We will be having pets for sale every race we are in, come see some cows, hens, chickens, rabbi...


The yellow bicycle.

  The yellow bicycle. Part 1 (A christmas story) *taken from a team meeting* Hugo Noil: so yeah, don't take this lightly okay? Is not a legend or someth...


Coming back

  Hasee team is back, Mr. Noil recalls why he left and how he came back: Mr. Nool: Around season 29 i had some personal problems and i had to leave. I sent all...



Amstel Flanders at 20:57 2/9-2024
  The What PR

HaTops at 19:12 2/9-2024
  Hahaha, funny press conference!

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