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02:08 GMT         Day 61 of 90, Season 70    

EC-JC Puts Bent Kleist on Transfer Market

Written by ElCurioso JuniorCycling at 23:02 12/8-2024

  In a surprising move, ElCurioso JuniorCycling announce that Bent Kleist, one of their leading riders, will be placed on the transfer market. This decision follows a disappointing finish at the Monte Rosa Tour, where Kleist, after a strong performance throughout the race, lost the overall victory in the final stage.
  Kleist’s near-win turned into a heartbreaking defeat as he was caught off guard by a late attack from his rivals, ultimately falling short of the podium. The outcome was a significant blow to both the rider and the team, leading to a mutual decision to seek new opportunities.
  “Sometimes, change is necessary to reignite the fire,” a spokesperson for EC-JC stated. “Bent has been instrumental in many of our successes, but after Monte Rosa, it was clear that both he and the team need new challenges.”
  Despite the recent setback, ElCurioso JuniorCycling expressed deep gratitude for Kleist’s contributions over the years. His numerous stage wins and leadership within the team have been invaluable. As they part ways, the team wishes him a golden future and every success in the next phase of his career.
  Both Kleist and ElCurioso JuniorCycling are now looking ahead, with the team focusing on rebuilding and Kleist exploring new horizons in the cycling world. This marks the end of a significant chapter for both, but with the promise of fresh beginnings on the horizon.
  His official Transfer request will be put in the forum in the next days.
  Kleist’s Achievments:
  Wins: 10
  Results: 26
  2nd place and 5th place in Monte Rosa Tour
  Total Price Money: 230.000€


Subscribers: 1

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Bilsky at 21:24 13/8-2024
  Painful way to lose a tour. Will be interested to see his next move

TD rockets at 21:23 13/8-2024
  He’s had some great results for you!
  Good luck with the money

Holwerda Cycling at 09:45 13/8-2024
  Nice to read article.
  What a season he has had in S68.

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