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01:48 GMT         Day 61 of 90, Season 70    

It has been a while...

Written by DeLuc CT at 15:04 25/6-2024

  since DeLuc CT had an official press release. Time for a change!
  Manager DeLuc states that "we have to invest a little bit of our time to write these things, but we need to make it part of our team-culture to inform our fans and the community of what we are doing."
  A lot has changed since October 2021. DeLuc CT has steadily climbed the rankings, as per its managers philosophy ("slow and steady wins the race" -red.), and is currently competing in Division 4.
  The team has gone through some changes aswell. We said goodbye to most of the riders from 2021, with only Maurits and Felix remaining wihtin the active squad. Harold and Cup of the Four Rivers-winner Robert are part of the staff as trainers.
  Stay tuned for more exciting news to follow...


Subscribers: 3

Internationals at DLCT

  June 2021... DeLuc CT's manager is ready to publish the team's first press release. The subject? A NT selection for Leopold Tomko. A milestone in the -at that t...


It has been a while...

  since DeLuc CT had an official press release. Time for a change! Manager DeLuc states that "we have to invest a little bit of our time to write these things...


Overall win in the Cup of the Four Rivers

  After three stages, DeLuc CT's oldest rider Robert Dobbelaere came out on top in the GC. He had no stage wins, but was the most consistent one with a 4th place ...


NT selection for Leopold Tomko!

  At only 20 years old, Leopold was added to our roster last season and we've been training him extensively ever since. DeLuc CT's manager never made it a secret...



DeLuc CT at 08:17 26/6-2024
  I saw your post on the forum Don and you are right. The community is what makes this game awesome. Although I don't have much time irl, I try to be here every day for a few minutes, and I'll try to be a little bit more active...
  And Dustin, I hope that my Belgian guys can mean something for the Belgium NT! :D

team dustin at 19:40 25/6-2024
  ...once, victory on victory on victory in the WT with Belgium :)

Schiavi di Don at 15:50 25/6-2024
  You have so many fun unique style riders! Will be nice to follow them a bit closer.

Holwerda Cycling at 15:24 25/6-2024
  Good to hear from your team. Good, slow and steady luck!

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