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22:23 GMT         Day 57 of 90, Season 70    

Contract Negotiations VII

Written by Amstel Flanders at 04:53 23/6-2024

  Join us in another quick review of our transfers and team planning. At last we have adquired the final piece of equipment so our riders can give their best performance. Back again to D2 after a two-weeks period spent in D3 (with good results), it’s time to look at the most recent moves and official news.
  Iran Sam Azargoshasp
  Russia Nestor Shcheglov
  Belgium Oscar Liebrechts
  These three riders will be retiring at the end of the season. Our team prepares the most incredible tribute to the most important cyclist in our history, Iranman Azargoshasp. A day that will be very special and with great guests. Of course you are welcome to this little party in the comment’s section to remember and celebrate his best races.
  Israel Rom Golan: Golan joined us the past season from local Israeli Academy ran by Boris Bitao. Being a 190+SP talent means he will be a blow of fresh air to our aging squad, his training is almost completed and now oriented to gain race points in TQ.
  USA Carson King: He just arrived today after Kangaroo Tour, for 105k. Another addition to rejuvenate the team, we have the best hopes for this 190+SP talent.
  Belgium Mathias De Fauw: As soon Rom finishes his training, staff will focus on De Fauw, an interesting talent from our local academy. Mathias has everything to become the future star of Amstel Flanders, we look forward to it.
  Slovakia Konštantín Hanák: Gary Lineker was caught with his pants down when Slovakian Sport Media spread the rumor of Hanák leaving our team. At the end, Konštantín left the team to pursue bigger objectives in Top Division, previous Transfer Fee of 650k OCM dullars from FFL, the biggest sale of our squad, beating great Chinese climber China Jian Yao who was sold to Chili for 538,6k.
  “I can tell you Gary, we are truly grateful to Konštantín and his contributions to the team. Though, both parts felt a deadlock was reached in our targets and ambitions, and we did what it was best for Amstel Flanders. We wish him all the best in the future,” manager Williamson told to Gary Lineker in his podcast.
  France Zack Fayard: On his 36th birthday, Amstel Flanders TV released a short video of Fayard, whom had an important announcement to make.
  “I’d like to confirm our journey together will have another chapter we will all write, together. #FlandersSpirit”
  We are happy to make official the renewal of Zack. His contract was about to expire and manager Williamson and Mr. Masson reunited with the French cyclist to offer another year of contract.
  “His professionalism and talent is well known. Zack is in great shape and his performance at the beginning of the season gives us reason to stay together,” Mr. Masson said to the press media.
  Spain Rodas Lima: Undoubtely the quickest meeting manager Williamson ever had. The result? Rodas has signed a two-seasons contract and extends his adventure in Amstel Flanders.
  “Amstel Flanders is simply my second home. Many thanks to God, family, friends and the team for their support. We will achieve great things in the seasons to come. #FlandersSpirit”
  Germany André Tran: André currently is the third rider with most races ridden for the team, under several captains. His sacrifice and great strength makes him a valuable asset for the squad, being a key rider in the recent success of our leaders. That’s why manager Williamson rewarded his good services with a generous contract so he can stay with us at least until S72. Three seasons to keep boosting our sprint train in the flat roads around the world.
  “Glad to be part of this dream, sooner or later I hope we can reach Top Division. #FlandersSpirit”.
  England Drake Speer: Mistakenly released when needing money, manager Williamson messaged the silent kidnapper, though no answer was received; another example of lack of education (at least you could have said, sorry mate, I can’t sell or won’t do it) so that team was put in our blacklist. Finally, Drake is free and able to do whatever he wants. He signed up a contract for the rest of S69 until the end of S70, the English gentleman will retire in the place he’d ever wanted to stay.
  “Fuck Thy Netherlands. I mean, it is a weird place to live but it’s part of the past. Not worth the words to describe it. Now I’m back home to enjoy what Iranman and the boys have built in Amstel Flanders. #FlandersSpirit”
  Denmark Emil Sønderby: Oh dear… this guy is truly amazing. Passing through a sort of methamorphosis back in S67, Emil wants more. Wearing a dark green jersey with a yellow kangaroo in it, the Danish chap celebrates on the shoulders of his team mates his success in Down Under, winning the 42th edition of Kangaroo Tour.
  As the team couldn’t afford a proper place to celebrate, manager Williamson called his friend Chili and our boys enjoy their private party at Chili’s backyard. Thanks a lot mate!
  “This win means a lot… these guys are the best support… not too high!” Sønderby exclaimed as the team and staff throw him up in the air and catch him.
  It’s not the only good news related to Emil. With the retirement of Iranman much closer, manager Williamson released an official statement about the Danish star.
  “Regarding our cyclist Emil Sønderby, due to retirement of our team captain Sam Azargoshasp, the Danish sprinter will replace the Iranian legend as Captain Ahab of the team, the principal captain; also his contract renewal until the last days of S74”.
  Soon, an era will finish and a new one is going to start.
  Amstel Flanders Supreme Leaders (Officially called Captain Ahab).
  S56 - S69: Iran Sam Azargoshasp
  S70 - ?: Denmark Emil Sønderby
  Over n’ Out.


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Amstel Flanders at 18:21 23/6-2024
  @Bilsky, yes, we hope Emil can stay performing like this for a while.

Amstel Flanders at 18:20 23/6-2024
  @Frank but you weren’t there. That one was easy hahahaha.
  Still, thanks for that flashback.

Amstel Flanders at 18:19 23/6-2024
  No dustin, not for sale hehehe. I know you are weak for the mature cyclists hehehe

Bilsky at 15:59 23/6-2024
  Think the Emil era could last a while! Top rider

team dustin at 15:55 23/6-2024
  Sam Azargoshasp
  for sale till the end of the season?

Holwerda Cycling at 14:22 23/6-2024
  Goodbye Sam, I will never forget your win in Marken!

team dustin at 10:56 23/6-2024
  keep the good ones
  with this team you can stay in division 1

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