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05:22 GMT         Day 62 of 90, Season 70    

The Late Show With JHDZ #3 - Mal

Written by TeamQuetzal at 19:25 5/4-2017

  Hello ladies and gentleman, and welcome to the Late Show with Johnathan Hernández! We are a little early tonight, since I have some stuff to do in some minutes, but however let´s jump straight into yesterday´s action!
  There was a lot of action yesterday which means we had some really good racing, including a CoN race, a Zyte Division classic and two tour stages. Let´s start with the Clash of Nations race, which was the annual climbing race of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, place where the Olympic Games cycling races where held last year. The winner of this race was Australian climber Shane Austin, the 31-year-old rider from Wilunga Hill. The podium was completed with a second place for Portuguese rider Lúcio César and the third place is occupied by non-other than Fiorello Failaritta (quite a great name) from Italy. Surprisingly Denmark was not in the top 9 of this race, however they still have the CoN W in the pocket. Mito-Tokyo was taken from ex Nightmare Chaos rider Yulian Abdulov from Avangarda. The Russian national champion imposed himself in the sprint in front of Otto Skoglund of CCFC and beloved Frenchman Corentin Thouvenin. And last, but definitely not least, we have the Norway Tour results from Stages 1 and 2. Prologue was taken by Italian Benedetto Inglinio from Peloton Pushers. 2nd place was taken by Frenchman Hubert Delannoy and third place was conquered by Abelixe´s Santos Maquina. Stage 2 was Harstad-Bodø a 168-km long sprint race that was taken by Kwasi Ngay from CC Est and the podium was completed by German Manfred Fritz from Official Hooligans and the third place was taken from the Danish rider who just won a CoN race, Andreas Stoorgard from Alpine.
  Talk segment
  Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome from Tashkent Browncoats, the one, the only…Mal!!!
  JHDZ: To start it off Mal, how are you?
  I'm good, thank you
  JHDZ: How did you discover OCM?
  MAL: I was thirteen and just bored, scrolling over the internet, trying to find distraction from school.
  JHDZ: Just like many of us Mal, and what made you stay in the game?
  MAL: Various things, but the most significant one would be the NT. I was really close to starting over (again) in season 35, but all of the sudden the NT became successful, with top-3 notifications in two consecutive TT's and Yelisey Chuprin winning his and Uzbekistan’s first race, Aberystweth - Llanelli. That kept me from starting over at that point, and now I'm pretty happy with the results of the team.
  JHDZ: What would you consider to be your greatest achievement?
  MAL: I'm not really sure, I haven't really achieved a special race such as a classic. I guess it'd be the sixth place in the Giro di Sicilia of last season. Ever since I started playing OCM in 2011, I wanted to be in a tour. It took me 19 seasons (and two new teams) to reach a tour (FOW in season 36), and reaching the top-10 took another 3 seasons, so even though it might not be a great achievement, it still felt very satisfying.
  JHDZ: What has been your favorite update?
  MAL: I guess my favorite update was the talents feature, because that was the first way to get riders from your own country. I also liked the trainers update, and I really hope there will be more ways to use your retired riders in the future
  JHDZ: Have you got any dreams for the future of your team?
  MAL: My main goal for the coming seasons is getting a top 3 in a tour, so probably MRT or RoTM. However, my biggest dream would be winning Germany Tour or the World Championships ITT.
  JHDZ: Do you see IRL cycling? If you do, who is your favorite rider and favorite race?
  MAL: Yeah, I do. My favorite race is the Giro for tours and de Ronde van Vlaanderen for one day races. I don't really have a favorite rider, I'm always cheering for the Dutchies because I'm Dutch, but they don't ever win shit. I was very impressed and entertained by Phillipe Gilbert last few spring races though.
  JHDZ: Phillipe has been quite impressive recently indeed, but tell us, are you happy with the game now?
  MAL: There is still a big difference between the top 20 teams and the rest, that's something I'd like to see improved. It would at least be great if there could be done something against them dropping to lower divisions and making our tour goals impossible to reach. Besides that, I'm happy with the game, especially now it's occasionally updated by Nick again.
  JHDZ: Who is your favorite OCM manager?
  MAL: David Popescu of familytour, because he is always so cheerful on the forum, and we used to do We Are Teams Together, well together. That was fun.
  JHDZ: Yeah, I miss WATT too, tell me who is your favorite OCM rider?
  MAL: Sandro Montelbano hands down. What. A. Beast. I'm also a big fan of Bruno Hacin (de stamper), even though he's still quite young. I Think he'll definitely be able to win RoTM in a few years.
  JHDZ: Ladies and gentleman that was Mal from Tashkent Browncoats! If you have any suggestions or want to be a guest please leave a comment or PM, I answer to all messages. Please subscribe and do not forget that the Late Show with JHDZ is live from 20:00 GMT +1 all weeknights. Stay classy folks and at a 100% and see you tomorrow!


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Tashkent Browncoats at 15:42 6/4-2017
  I won't be able to help you this edition though David, I'm affraid I have my final exames coming up. Next season I'll be there

TeamQuetzal at 13:21 6/4-2017
  That would be nice indeed!

familytour at 06:49 6/4-2017
  Thanks Mal for nominating me!I hope we can make another WATT in 2 weeks,when I'll be in holiday;)))

TeamQuetzal at 22:03 5/4-2017
  It was a pleasure!

Tashkent Browncoats at 20:56 5/4-2017
  Thanks for having me!

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