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05:28 GMT         Day 62 of 90, Season 70    

A flower in the ass

Written by Ocaña at 11:06 23/7-2016

  This is a Spanish expression to say that someone is very lucky. Just look at the case of Baltazar Woriega and Ocaña team ... but we go to the beginning of the story.
  One must go back to the return of Ocaña after the break of a year. Just at the same time appeared a little guy named Baltazar in the Hire list.... It was an instant love... before Woriega knew where he was, he had been instantly signed for Ocana.
  File rescue of the first declarations of Baltazar:
  "My God, they have kidnapped me ... Heeeeeelp"
  After the first days of brainwashing, soon began to give results to Ocaña. At the moment, with 8 wins has managed to beat the legendary Hartley Rich, who with 6 wins in his career (sad I know) was the most successful raider of the team.
  The last two victories have been achieved spectacurly in the "Race of the minutemen" thanks to a incredible form of Baltazar. Top form achieved through pure luck.
  We recall the words of manager Hur just after the last race of Woriega before the RotM.
  "I'll send him to race break ... to see if we are lucky and he return in top form"
  And just seven days before, a few minutes to go to U.S.A. ... voila, top form with scraped 90.
  Strategy 0%... Planning 0%... Flower in the ass 100%
  Says goodbye Kochi Ikanawa, CNN news.
  Esta es una expresión española para decir que alguien tiene mucha suerte. Solo hay que ver el caso de Baltazar Woriega y el equipo Ocaña... pero vayamos al inicio de la historia.
  Hay que remontarse a la vuelta del Ocaña despues del parón de un año que tuvo. Justo al mismo tiempo apareció un chavalín llamado Baltazar en la Hire list.... Fue un flechazo instantaneo... antes de que Woriega supiese donde estaba ya lo habia fichado el Ocaña.
  Rescatamos de archivo las primeras declaraciones de Baltazar:
  " Dios mio, me han secuestrado... socorrooo"
  Transcurridos los primeros días de lavado de cerebro, pronto empezó a dar resultados al escaso palmares del Ocaña. De momento, con 8 victorias ya ha conseguido batir al mítico Hartley Rich que con 6 triunfos en su carrera ( es triste lo sé ) era el mas laureado de los ciclistas del equipo.
  Las dos últimas victorias se han conseguido de forma espectacular en la "Race of the minutemen", gracias a un estado de forma increible de Baltazar. Estado de forma conseguido gracias a la pura suerte.
  Recordamos las palabras del manager Hur justo despues de la ultima carrera de Woriega antes de la RotM.
  "Voy a mandarlo al race break... a ver si hay suerte y se me pone en top form"
  Y justo siete dias depués, a escasos minutos para irse a U.S.A... voila, top form con 90 pelaos.
  Planificacion 0%... Estrategia 0%... Flor en el culo 100%
  Se despide Kochi Ikanawa CNN news


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Ocaña at 19:40 28/7-2016
  Ty all for your comments :)

PEKAC B at 16:24 27/7-2016
  Great rider and even better PR! Good luck in Kangaroo Tour

Britcycles at 18:57 25/7-2016
  congrats, nothing could deny you victory in those stages, he sure is a nice rider!

NightmareChaos at 13:41 23/7-2016
  Decent rider ;)

Schiavi di Don at 12:14 23/7-2016
  hehe, lovely PR, and gratz with the good results!

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Comments (11)

5th national title, will be there 6th as well?
5th national title, will be there 6th as well?
5th national title, will be there 6th as well?
5th national title, will be there 6th as well?
5th national title, will be there 6th as well?
5th national title, will be there 6th as well?