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04:58 GMT         Day 49 of 90, Season 70    

Leonard Sutton takes the first step

  Even though several riders tried to break away, no one managed to keep it going in Chuchelna GP. The strongest riders in the peloton stayed together in the leading group. The finishing climb became a secretion of riders, until Leonard Sutton (Twente Cycling Team) and Chinonso Iwu (Twente Cycling Team) were alone in the front. As it looked as they were heading for a sprint on the top, Chinonso Iwu suddenly could follow Leonard Sutton who climbed the final kilometre alone. The audience cheered as Leonard Sutton crossed the line with his arms raised high. Chinonso Iwu came in a little later as second. The third place were terminated by a group of 4 who sprinted a long. Marcelo Tomé was fastest in the group, and safely took the third place.
I'm happy the team picked me for the stage. I knew I could do it (win), and I wanted to prove it as well, said the happy winner who continued with a smile on his face: My preparations were perfect, I had a perfect day, and I won!.
Roprop, manager of Twente Cycling Team, was happy with the result: The whole team did well today. Everything turned out as we hoped, and luckily, Leonard Sutton was the strongest rider out there today. The proud manager didn't hide that he was satisfied with Leonard Sutton's result. Leonard Sutton did well. No one deserved the victory more than him. He put his focus on this stage long ago, and he kept his motivation high. I'm happy for him and the team, said Roprop.

Chuchelna GP
Leonard Sutton
Chinonso Iwu
Marcelo Tomé