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04:20 GMT         Day 49 of 90, Season 70    

Klas Møller steals the focus

  Many climbs, a sunny day and several attacks shaped the race in Mae Hong Song GP. One after another, the riders tried to break away from the main group, though no one could succeed.
When the final climb was near, None and Koloda Tsyganova made sure no one could attack by setting a high tempo in the lead. At the end of the climb, only the strongest climbers were in front. With 1.5 kilometres to go, (The Champs) launched an attack, which Koloda Tsyganova (TeamSchäfer) and Klas Møller (None) easily countered.
Quinn Bistrup lost Koloda Tsyganova's wheel when the sprint was launched, and Klas Møller had a close sprint with Koloda Tsyganova. Klas Møller was the fastest in the sprint, leaving Koloda Tsyganova only a few inches behind. Quinn Bistrup, who had no power left for the sprint, secured his third place only 3 seconds later.
I'm still in shock. When the attack started earlier today, I didn't expect to end up as winner, said the happy None rider, Klas Møller. Only at the very end, I realized that this could be my chance, and so it was.
The stage couldn't turn out any better than this. Klas Møller did a perfect job today, said , manager of None, after the race.

Mae Hong Song GP
Klas Møller
Koloda Tsyganova
Quinn Bistrup